I am glad I took the time to read your story. Love the message.

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Thanks so much for reading my work, Susy

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

Hi Victoria

Thanks for articulating and teasing out some of the strands of current human migrations and the function of art, (particularly photography and documentary film making in your examples) in repesenting specific events that are so badly needed as an antidote to the awful propaganda pumped out by this current British government on these matters. More power to the activist charities, rescue services and legal teams who represent something more hopeful. The overall context of climate change driven movement is the big picture that needs to be communicated again and again to 'host' populations. Grrrrr.

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I agree Martin I feel the same. Part of the problem is the short-term nature of government. Climate change isn't pressing politicians immediately, so long-term plans get shelved to secure votes now. There's no joined-up thinking with the long view in mind.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

A story that needs telling, although I'm afraid it'll probably only be heard by people who already have a heart open for it. Years ago I did a photo series for a charity project, it ran as an exhibition for a day as part of an awareness event of the difficulties faced by migrants, sad to see things seem to only have changed for the worse

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I have some hope that I'm not just speaking in an echo chamber, but you might be right! I know there are some people who follow me who have very different world views to me and if I can open up even one heart through my writing then that's a win in my book!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

Thankyou for sharing your insights on this tragic and incredibly difficult subject.

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Thanks for reading, Yasmin

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I listened to this article first on your podcast then went to see the images and videos. The podcast is fantastic -- without the images first we have the experience of entering your mind and imagining these artists’ works. Then the images add another layer. As you say, art has the power to show us these nuances. It can go deeper with emotions and push ideas further. I found it useful that your post shows us the terrible heartbreak like the sinking ship caught on film and then the optimism of Anderson. I have researched migrants in fiction films (not refugees specifically) and what the filmmakers often play with is the way people don’t know the facts when they decide they don’t want migrants to come into their spaces. The more information they have, the more they tend to want the migrants allowed in. I know this is a generalisation but something I’ve seen repeatedly through a variety of research. Thanks for this and what a great post to start your podcast.

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Yes, moving through the distancing lens of political discussions about groups of people to the subjective experience of individuals and situations changes things. I have read some very moving accounts of kindness and compassion in my research, and I wish more of those stories and positive messages were amplified in public and political discussions about migration. That lack has certainly become very clear to me. Thanks so much for such brilliant feedback on this post Kate, I really, really appreciate it.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

I applaud these artists who are trying to bring sanity and humanity back into this topic, and I also find Orna Ben ami's work very touching. It's sad that this should be framed as an "alternative" perspective, but even sadder that there is now a refugee art industry, quite far from these sensitive approaches, seizing on the subject as the quickest route to attention and profit. It's a very thin line to walk between amplifying refugees' voices and speaking for/over them. I came here as a "refugee" myself, I was in a position to get on a plane and be here legally but I still had to leave my life and home behind to start over from nothing, and it completely sucks; you never stop wishing you hadn't had to leave. And I have left behind so many people who could technically leave, but can't face it and instead have chosen to waste away and die in their home. To imagine people would risk their lives on a boat to go on a lifelong exile if they had ANY other option, is a disingenuous fantasy.

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Thank you for these thoughts Joumana and for sharing your own experience here. I can't imagine how difficult it is to make the decisions you have had to make. Thank you also for introducing me to Orna Ben Ami's work, I've had a look at some of her sculptures online. I agree that there is a thin line between amplifying people's voices and speaking for them, one which most people aren't even aware of.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

Well said. I have always thought this but it doesn't get said enough. Most people would not leave their home if they did not have to, especially when it involves dragging their families across continents on dangerous journeys. Migration to escape danger or persecution and voluntary migration are totally separate issues.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

And it's mostly the ones with kids who leave, for the kids' sake. Otherwise they put up...

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

I despair about the Illegal Migration Bill. Just as you say, it's not someone else's problem and we need international solidarity more than ever. It's interesting to hear about the situation in Mayotte. I only ever really hear about migration in the big flash points that get the most Western media coverage -- the US/ Mexico border, the EU borders etc. Just watched the Superflex interview. Thoughtful, fascinating post, as always. Thanks!

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Thanks Helen. I've been trying to find a video of Kwassa Kwassa in full online, but don't think it's available. You get a real sense of it from the interview though.

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deletedApr 12, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell
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Thanks Billie. Anderson is one of my favourite performance artists. She's soothing to listen to, I find what she says really resonates with me.

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