May 10, 2023Liked by Dr Victoria Powell

All art needs explanation. Humans categorize EVERYTHING. When artists do not provide context, viewers supply their own. Starting and ending with, “Yawn, Blah, so what”. Or, more frequently, “I don’t know what that is”, followed by a negative emotion. Similar to the feeling we have about slow and stalled cars blocking our entrance to the freeway. Despite the financial suicide this silence promises, this creator silence is a practiced as a religion.

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Some artists struggle to speak about their work, which might be one of the issues. Plus the boring art speak that gets written about art switches folks off. The historical legacy of the elitism of art also makes some people lack confidence in their response in case it's wrong. It's easier to say 'I don't know what that is, yawn' etc.

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I agree with you Victoria, I also find his work a bit plodding. But he's got so many ideas! I love listening to him speak, the thoughts and ideas just pour out of him. He's really compelling. I need to think about this question you've asked some more. I love his journey, but not the end result.

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