Welcome if you’re new to The Gallery Companion. And hello again to the old-timers. I’ve been a bit quiet for the past few weeks because I’ve been having a re-jig behind the scenes. I will still be writing about the same sort of thing as before - art in the context of what’s going on in our world, what we think, how we behave, and how ideas change over time. In other words, all of the interesting stuff about our lives that art explores and represents.
And from now on all my articles are free for everyone to read. A lot of my content so far has only been read by a small number of you because it was behind a paywall. I wanted to see whether it was possible to earn my daily bread that way. Maybe it is for some, but not yet for me. In any case, it hasn’t sat comfortably with me because I fundamentally believe in open access to knowledge, especially when it’s not always clear who can and can’t afford to pay.
Conversely I also want to push back on the expectation of free content. Behind every email that I write is a ton of research, reflection and revision to craft something that is a pleasure for you to read. I want to find a way of making The Gallery Companion sustainable for me and accessible to all, and I’m still not sure how to achieve that. But my solution for now is to switch to a voluntary payment model, and to set it at a flat low rate of five bucks a month.
So if you love what I am doing (and if you’re in a position to do so) please become my patron and help me keep this good thing going as I continue to build a readership. My hope is that some of you are willing to support me for no other reason than that you value my writing and the knowledge that I share. Paid subscribers get access to a private chat thread, where we share what art we've seen and talk about stuff. Plus you get the joy of philanthropy, interesting ideas that make you think, and my gratitude.
The Gallery Companion Podcast
Today I’m really excited to share the trailer of my new podcast with you!
If you’re a podcast listener you’ll now be able to hear all my content wherever you get your podcasts - it’s available on all the main players including Apple, Spotify and Amazon Music.
The podcast content will be mostly the same as my writing, but if you want to see the images, watch the videos and click on links, they will all be on the Substack app and in the emails I send out to you. I won’t be including voiceovers within emails anymore, so if you’d rather listen than read make sure you follow the podcast. Search for The Gallery Companion on your podcast player.
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Did you decide to embed links to the podcast on Spotify and apple so you keep listening / stats in one place? I want to share my podcast here and use your idea of hosting discussion around episodes here. But just wondering whether to upload here as well as other platforms...
Thanks for introducing us to Nicola Bennett. Her work is so original and exciting!